Friends at Home
In a home setting, a trained and dedicated volunteer visits a child with special needs on a weekly basis. A special bond is created as they engage in enjoyable activities and innovative crafts. The child’s life is illuminated in a most significant fashion as they await the visit of their friend. The parents use this opportunity to enjoy a weekly respite as their child basks in the friendship of the volunteer.

Hands – On Holiday Workshops
Experience the magic of the Jewish Holidays with refreshments, crafts and unique entertainers. Hand in Hand’s Holiday Programs allow the entire family to celebrate together in a comfortable setting. Volunteers are on hand to ensure that the event meets the particular needs of the children. Innovative activities (such as creating genuine shofars before Rosh Hashana, baking hand-made matzah before Passover and squeezing olives to make olive oil on Chanukah), bring the warm and joyous feelings of the holidays to the children and their families.

Sunday Circle
The Sunday Circle is a weekly respite program that enables you to leave your child in the hands of qualified professionals and loving volunteers for one and a half hours on Sunday mornings. Group activities include gymnastics, pottery, bowling and music. It's social, it's lively and most importantly, it's fun!